The Entertainment Magazine: Movie FAQ

How to Download Free Movies from the Internet

Most movies and videos on the Internet now play while streaming. Downloading is a tedious, and expensive, way to watch a movie.

To download movies for mobile devices like iPhones, iPads, Androids and other smartphones with video capabilities, the movie needs to be downloaded to a computer, then synched with the device. Read more about mobile downloading.

Once downloaded, public domain movie files can be played on any computer or synched to a portable device without a cost or royalty fee. The movie can then be transferred to memory sticks, flash drives, burned on DVDs, stored on clouds or another storage device for later use.

Download Time: When you start the movie download process, your computer will connect to the source host computer for the movie files. The download time depends on your computer speed and modem connection speed. Large files will take a long time to download. About 100MB file can take up to 5 minutes on a broadband connection, and up to an hour on a slower modem dial up connection.

Editing the movie file: Movie files can be opened in many movie or video editing software programs, like iMovie. The movie can be ripped and burned on CD, DVD, memory stick or transferred to a mobile device. Read more about editing your movie file.

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Movie Download Tips

If a movie needs to be downloaded before it can be played, there are several tips to improve the download process.

  • Download the file overnight when Internet traffic is lower.
  • Use a broadband, cable or WiFi connection to download to a computer.
  • Do not download a movie from a cell phone unless you can afford the cellular wireless rates. Use your computers internet connection instead.

Troubleshooting Problems

These are some options to try if the connection is slow or not available on the computer you are using.

  • Try a different Internet connection. If your connection speed is less than 256kb (DSL or Cable Modem speed), then the movie might not play or take a longer time to start playing or downloading.
  • Try a different computer. Sometimes, PC's (and Macintosh) won't respond to menu requests. Varying software versions and computer hardware may limit the ability of the computer to download a file. If you have a newer computer, and still can't download files, try a different browser.
  • Try a different browser. Explorer, Firefox, Safari all look similar, but they may have different ways to download files. Try each one (make sure the others are not launched). Use the HTTP or FTP options, if available.
  • Nothing works- still can't download. It may be possible the combination of your computers hardware, your browser and Internet connection won't allow you to download these files.