Entertainment Magazine: Staff: Barnetts

Carolyn & James Barnett visit Van Gogh Experience in Tucson

Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience
Oro Valley Marketplace: 11975 N Oracle Rd, Oro Valley, AZ 85705

This is fantastic! The immersion room is huge with the walls changing with each painting.

I was completely lost in the VR. Mentally walking through and into the world of the artist as he would have seen it.

The cityscapes are amazing. As you walk through the streets look out for the horse and wagon going in front of you! There are people around you living their lives.

When you walk into the cafe look all around. You are inside the painting!

Say hello to Vincent and his lady friend at the back table as you walk past.

Spin around on the chair while you get lost in the woods. Head for the foot bridge.

Spun Yellow. That's the best way I can describe the fields of cut hay in "The Siesta."

The VR experience is an additional $5. I went twice! ("Please, take my money!)

There is a lot more. It was more than worth it.