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Watch and download the original "Gulliver's Travels"

Gulliver's TravelsThe original film of "Gulliver's Travels" is a classic 1938 cartoon.

In this film, Gulliver washes ashore on Lilliput and attempts to prevent war between that tiny kingdom and its equally-miniscule rival, Blefiscu, as well as smooth the way for the romance between the Princess and Prince of the opposing lands.

Because of this he is alternately aided and hampered by the Lilliputian town crier and general fussbudget, Gabby.

A life-threatening situation develops when the bumbling trio of Blefiscu spies, Sneak, Snoop, and Snitch, manage to steal Gulliver's pistol.


Watch or download Gulliver's Travels online free

This movie can be streamed for free online or download this free movie and images from archive.org

This movie is in the public domain. Since the U.S. copyright has expired, this movie can be watched online and downloaded free. There are no charges or registration required.

To watch free movie: a new code found in many browsers that provides quick streaming video without any special software. If you see the movie screen image, your browser supports the new <video> tag. To start the movie to play, click the triangle in the middle of the screen or on the lower left side of the movie screen. Adjust sound with the sound bar to the right. Read more how to watch free movies online.

To download free movie: Select the Download link to connect to the web site that stores the movie files and images. A new window will open with a list of movies (.mpg, mp4, etc.), image files (.jpg) and other available files. Select the file to start playing, then save the file when completed. These movies can also be transfered to mobile devices like iPads and smartphones. Find out more how to download movies.

Director: Willard Bowsky
Producer: Max Fleischer
Production Company: Fleischer Studios
Audio/Visual: sound, color

Run time: 1:12:39. Production date: December 22, 1939

More Gulliver's Travels DVDs

Actors: Ned Beatty, Geraldine Chaplin, Ted Danson, Edward Fox, John Gielgud. Gulliver s Travels Special Edition now presents the classic for the first time in widescreen picture and includes new bonus features including a Making Of segment and interviews with the cast, photo galleries. Studio: Genius Products (TVN). DVD Release Date: September 9, 2008.

"Gulliver's Travels"

Signet Classics (Paperback)
Jonathan Swift

Gulliver's Travels Books


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