Entertainment Magazine: Tucson: Sabino Canyon

Directions and Map to Sabino Canyon

A satellite map view provides an excellent way to examine trails and camping areas around Sabino Canyon. Click on this map of Sabino Canyon, courtesy of Google Maps, to see trails and landscape. Zoom in for detailed views. Print out the satellite view to follow the trails.

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How to get to Sabino Canyon from Tucson

The directions to Sabino Canyon are easy. Two roads lead to the entrance of Sabino Canyon, as shown the the above map of Sabino Canyon. This location makes it easily accessible from either the north or northwest side of Tucson or Central Tucson.

Sabino Canyon is located on Tucson's northeast side at North Sabino Canyon Road and East Sunrise Drive, 5700 N. Sabino Canyon Road.

  • From Central or Eastside: Take Tanque Verde Rd. to North Sabino Canyon Rd. Turn north and follow the road as it splits from Kolb Rd. The entrance is just north of the intersection of Sunrise and Sabino Canyon Rd. Turn right to the parking lot. The road ends at the edge of the Coronado National Forest.
  • From North, West or Northwest Tucson, Marana, Oracle: Follow Sunrise Rd. east to the end. Turn left on North Sabino Canyon Road. Turn right to the parking lot.

Zoom into Sabino Canyon from Space

A seamless zoom from space to the Sabino Canyon Recreation Area, outside Tucson, Arizona, followed by a pan up the canyon starting at the Visitor Center. Animator: Greg Shirah (NASA/GSFC), Horace Mitchell (NASA/GSFC), Marte Newcombe (GST). Scientist: Soroosh Sorooshian (University of Arizona). Platforms/Sensors/Data Sets: Landsat-7/ETM+, QuickBird, Terra/MODIS. Courtesy of archive.org.

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