were attracted to the Canada del Oro region by the lure of gold in
spite of the risks from the Apaches. Reports of placer mines established
along the upper reaches of the “Canyon of Gold” continued until late in
the 1920s. Apparently not much materialized since no mining activity
has been found in Park area.
most successful enterprise in the general area of the Park was
ranching. The earliest known rancher within the Canada del Oro region
was Francisco Romero who was born in Tucson between 1810 and 1831, the
grandson of a Spanish soldier who had arrived in Tucson in the 1770s.
Although little is known of his childhood, he is mentioned as
establishing a ranch of 160 acres on the west side of the Catalina
Mountains in 1844 near the Canada del Oro. Romero evidentially was a
successful rancher, since he acquired additional pieces of property
including 320 acres of farmland along the Santa Cruz River west of
Flowing Wells and land on Main Street in the downtown Tucson business
and his wife, Victoria, had three children, one of whom became a
rancher. His name was Fabian, born in 1864, and he is credited as the
founder of Rancho Romero. His ranch is reported to have been 4800 acres.
According to a map of Pima County drawn up in 1873, the Romero Ranch
buildings were shown as located in section 4 that is within the Park
boundary. A capped well and a concrete base for a water storage tank are
the only remains that were found at that location. Fabian and his wife,
Benardina had five children but it is not known if any of the children
took ownership of the ranch before it passed out of family ownership.
Romero Pass and Romero Canyon were named after the family.
rancher to follow the Romero family to the Canada del Oro region was
George Pusch, a young German immigrant and his partner, John Zellweger.
They bought a large ranch in 1874 that was later named the Steam Pump
Ranch due to the installation of a steam pump to ensure a predictable
water supply. Pusch died in 1921 and the cattle ranch passed out of the
family’s possession.
Sutherland family also ranched in the vicinity of the Canada del Oro
Wash. William Henry Sutherland was the general superintendent and part
owner of the Arizona Stage Company. Later, he purchased the Canada del
Oro Ranch. According to the 1922 Pima County Highway Department map. The
Sutherland ranch house was located in the northwest corner of Section
26, which lies within the central section of the Park. The Sutherland
Wash, the major tributary of the Canada del Oro Wash that flows through
the Park, was named for this family.
history of the Park land is uncertain from the 1920s until the 1940s
when J.E. McAdams purchased 4100 acres that he called Rancho Romero. His
property is believed to contain parcels that had been owned by the
Romero and Sutherland families. The McAdams family owned the land until
1971 when it was sold to Ratliff, Miller and Muhr Investments, Inc., who
developed the plan to convert the ranch into a self-contained
community. This plan was given the Pima County Planning and Zoning with
the request to rezone the land.
Source: Arizona State Parks
Return to Catalina State Park Index.

(Above) Entrance to the Catalina State Park trail head where most of the trails separate.