Kabbalah’s Secret Circles

Book Cover: Kabbalah's Secret Circles
Editions:Paperback - First Edition: $ 19.99
ISBN: 978-939050-14-4

"Kabbalah's Secret Circles," is a comprehensive book by author Robert E. Zucker that examines the practices, literature, legends and history of Jewish mysticism, Kabbalah, the "Sefer Raziel" and the "Sefer Yetzirah" (Book of Creation). Instructions how to construct a Kabbalah Wheel to decipher the mystical 231 Holy Gates are provided.

Publisher: BZB Publishing

This book is a compilation of ancient instructions, lost and forgotten legends, and insights to the practice of Kabbalah with over 700 footnotes of sources to original materials. Virtually all major Jewish and Christian Kabbalah practices are covered.

The first few chapters of the "Sefer Yetzirah" (also called the Book of Creation or the Book of Formation) are closely examined word by word to provide the steps to construct an ancient Kabbalah Wheel.

In "Kabbalah's Secret Circles" discover the many lost and forgotten secrets of the Kabbalah through the words of famous Rabbi’s and authors throughout history.

Follow a historical time line of Judaic mysticism across thousands of years and understand some of the basic principles of the Kabbalah (Cabalah) through history and legends.

Author Robert Zucker also published a book on Astral Projection and dream awareness. Robert E. Zucker has studied Kabbalah since the mid-1970s and discovered this method of a Kabbalah Wheel while developing a computer program to spin the Gates. Read sample chapters and download a free sample PDF of the book.

By Publisher

Robert E. Zucker is publisher of the Entertainment Magazine Online (EMOL.org) web site, launched in 1995. Prior to that, he published several local Tucson, Arizona newspapers from 1978-1994, including Entertainment Magazine (1985), Magazine (1982), Youth Awareness Press (1979), and Youth Alternatives (1978). In the past decade, he has published several books, including "Treasures of the Santa Catalina Mountains," "Entertaining Tucson Across the Decades (V 1-3)," "Kabbalah's Secret Circles," "Twilight of Consciousness," and "Traveling Show." His latest, "Print to Pixels," is in final editing. Through his company BZB Publishing, he has also published books for other local authors.