Welcome to Glassmoon
 Hi! Welcome to my site. I hope you enjoy reading my stories, articles and musician interviews. If you have any questions you can e-mail me. I will be glad to answer them for you.
I'm also currently working on doing music. I sing as well. Thanks for checking my website out and having the patience for new and updated stuff. It may take some time but as soon as I am able to get some sample music for you. I will post it here.
Thanks! Tracie
Complimentary Letter:
Dear Tracie,
My friend and I were just sittin' around my appartment thinking how bored we were. It is her birthday and she wanted me to tell her a bedtime story. But I am uncreative and unimaginitive so I turned to the trusty internet to find a solution to my friend's birthday request. One of the first things that I found was a link that brought me directly to you and your fantastical story about the stick people and Brice. Thanks for saving the day. Because of your story, my friend had an interesting bed time birthday story. Regards. and good luck.
2003-08 Entertainment Magazine on Line/Glassmoon. All rights reserved.
Tracie's articles and interviews:
Tracie's Original Stories
These stories are copyrighted and not allowed to be reproduced without my permission. Commercial use may be approved.
If you are interested in purchasing any of my stories for republication or commercial use, please contact me:
1. E-mail me. We'll discuss pricing and use.
2. Go to this page linked to PayPal to make a payment by check withdrawl or credit card charge.
3. I will email you my approval to use, reproduce or market the story.
Interviews are property of EntertainmentMagazine.net and Tracie Reed and are not available for republication in any form. |